Fantasy Cows Still Say Moo
Thinking about decision-making in 5th Edition D&D
Very specific tactics for fun and profit.
Mostly about mechanics, this time around.
In which a variety of gaming related stuff is discussed, and the "publish" button is struck before any particular theme emerges.
A druid city, and the thinking behind it. Ruins, a giant tree, an island, a monastery.
Logistics and facilitation in fantasy settings. No, really, it's interesting!
Enabling impulsiveness, and the forward motion of narrative. Or: more failure, more fun.
Colonisation, Imperialism, and Cosmic Stuff. Also The Mummy, and a lack of spiders.
Settlements and cities in RPGs, and how much of the work put in is misguided.
Influences, and how I've picked a subset of all the things I want in fantasy instead of trying to do them all at once.
How "roll for initiative" frees the mind. No, seriously.